Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Final Project Option 2

All of the following images are works that I have created that I feel best support my goal to pursue the artist  field. The reason I chose these works was because I think they all express my creativity as a designer. Since I haven't done a lot of work as a 3D artist, I think these works are all examples of what I am capable of. The transition from these works to 3d work will be smooth for me because this is the area I am most comfortable in as well as have the most experience.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

MP12 Option 7

MP12 Option 4

MP12 Option 3

MP12 Option 5

MP12 Option 2

For this option, I chose a game that has been partially developed in my GDD 101 class. With a small team of students, we created a brand new zombie game called "The Rising." What's unique about this game is that it takes place from the zombies' perspective in a abandoned world. For this game, it will mainly take place in an abandoned town. Its run down, and has not been occupied for quite some time. It is here where the zombies are fighting against the human military. The landscape will mainly contain crumbling buildings, knocked down trees and remains of a once thriving civilization.

MP12 Option 1

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Character Bio

Positive Traits:
-exceptional survival skills
-well above average physical strength
-quick thinking
-well trained in the military

Negative Traits
-never received formal education
-hot tempered
-prefers to work alone

Physical Traits
-about 6 4"
-strong upper build
-has experimental prosthetic right arm
-short dark hair
-scarring/tattoos on left arm

My character grew up in an orphanage. With no known knowledge of his parents, my character struggled through his childhood. At the age of 12, he ran away from his brutal lifestyle. He lived on the streets until the age of 18. At this point in his life, he felt the military was the only path for him to take. Due to his rough childhood, my character prefers to work alone, which can work against him. He will easily throw away any advice other soldiers will give him. On the other hand, the many years on the streets allowed him to learn the necessary skills required to survive on is own. These skills allowed him to flourish in the reconnaissance area of the military. He is specifically chosen for those brutal one-man operations where precision is required.

Stick Figure Walk Cycle

6 New Poses

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Crate w/ 3 Spotlights

My Career Goal Choice

For my game design career, I would want to be either an artist or a designer. These two options would be best for me because I like to create ideas and develop them. Above anything else, I enjoy creating visuals versus something "behind the scenes" such as an engineer or programmer. I want my work to be actually seen. Since I also have six years of experience in graphic design, I am familiar with creating unique visuals.

For my portfolio, I would like to create some original character designs or level designs. These two are major factors in defining what type of game you're going to be playing. Over the course of my career I want to build the skills required to create a level or character and make them come to life. 

Pert Chart

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Easy Maze Render

Brick Wall


Maze Backstory

You wake up on the floor of a dark corridor. Looking around you see the corridor has brick walls that go in opposite directions. There are multiple paths to take, but which one? You have no memory of why your in this labyrinth of seemingly endless tunnels or how you even got there. But you do know you must find your way out.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Character Design

U.S. Marine Concept

Positive Traits:

-has exceptional survival skills; he was raised as an orphan so he had to fend for himself most of the time

-was hurt in IED explosion causing him to lose his right arm. It was replaced with an experimental prosthetic arm, giving him well above average upper body strength

-always looks out for his fellow soldiers, never leaves a man behind

Negative Traits:

-due to being raised as an orphan, he did not receive the greatest education

-easily angered and won't hesitate to start a fight

Physical Traits

-about 6' 5"

-very strong upper build,

-gruff appearance, slight scarring on right side of neck/face

-tattoos on left arm


-had an extremely rough childhood growing up being an orphan

-as he got older, he felt the military was the only place he could turn to

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cut Scenes to Jargon

One game in particular that uses cutscenes really well is Mass Effect. Whats interesting about the cut scenes in Mass Effect, is how player roles are implemented within them. Every character you talk to creates a "mini-cut scene" where your character talks to them. Based on what you know and what you possess, you have choices of what to say to them. You can ask for directions, start a fight, accuse them of something. Usually, games don't allow the player to directly control their character in conversation, but the cut scenes are in a way, interactive. You choose what happens in each "mini-cutscene" that you watch based on what the player wants, not how the developers chose. This style of interactive cutscenes allows many different variations of Mass Effect to be played and expands the depth of character interaction. Playing the game twice will result in two experiences. Even though you played through once, changing an answer to a simple question changes the game completely.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Game That...

Has Realistic Graphics: Call of Duty
Has Abstract Graphics: Angry Birds 
Is A 2D Game: Super Mario Bros.
Is A 3D Game: L.A. Noire
Is In First Person: Halo
Is In Third Person: Gears of War 
Has Been Reinvented For The Real World: Madden
Has A Memorable Storyline: Alan Wake

RPS Logo Design

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

3 Examples of RPS log designs

RPS - Linear, Non Linear, Sand Box or what?

For RPS, I believe that the game follows a linear structure. In the game, you have three selections to choose from, and they must be chosen at the same time as your opponent. Sandbox games are more open and give the player more freedom. But RPS follows the same structure in every single game. You don't just choose anything you want for your selection, it must be either rock, paper or scissors. RPS is one game that simply won't work as a sandbox game and must stick to being linear.

According to the rules of the World RPS society, RPS is a game that is played by two players. I personally agree that RPS should remain as a two player game. While a multiplayer system could work, I feel that adding more players adds complications. With two players, everyone understands who wins immediately. With more than two, there are multiple variations of who could possibly win. Everyone must stop, figure out who won and continue. Two players is quite simply easier and quicker.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Everything is Rock, Paper, Scissors-oh really?

Many games take the mechanics of Rock Paper Scissors and configure them to be their own. For me, one classic game that modifies the RPS mechanic is chess. While many think that RPS is all based on chance, there actually is strategy behind it. Chess is a perfect example of a game that requires strategy above anything else in order to defeat your opponent. You need to adapt your strategy based on what your opponent is trying to do in order to win. Many people aren't aware that this mechanic is present within RPS.
So chess manages to take mechanics from RPS and slightly changes them. Another factor that plays into winning a chess game, along with RPS is experience. An experienced chess player has an advantage against a beginner player. The same works with RPS players. However, RPS strategy is more simplified than what chess is capable of. These two games are also perfect examples of how a simple game and a more complicated game can contain strategies in order to counter your opponent. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Rules of Rock, Paper, Scissors


Each player faces each other and makes a fist with the hand they will use to play with.

The object of rock, paper, scissors is to choose the item that will defeat your opponent.

Both players simultaneously countdown from three and say “shoot” after “one.” When both players say “shoot,” they must immediately choose one of three options.
            -Rock (shown by a closed fist)

            -Paper (shown by an open hand with fingers extended)

            -Scissors (shown by a closed fist with pointer and middle finger extended)

The winner of the round is determined by the players’ choices.

            -Rock defeats scissors

            -Scissors defeats paper

            -Paper defeats rock

If both players select the same item, the round is considered a tie and they play again. The winner of the game is determined by a previously set number of winning rounds

My Favorite Historical Game

Games have been played by humans for thousands of years. Some have remain unchanged in that large amount of time. For me, my favorite historical game is chess. I personally favor games that require strategy rather than chance. With the game of chess, there are nearly infinite paths that a player can take in order to defeat their opponent. This style of game interests me more rather than the outcome is determined by a roll of a die. Its because of these elements that I choose chess as my favorite historical game.