Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Rules of Rock, Paper, Scissors


Each player faces each other and makes a fist with the hand they will use to play with.

The object of rock, paper, scissors is to choose the item that will defeat your opponent.

Both players simultaneously countdown from three and say “shoot” after “one.” When both players say “shoot,” they must immediately choose one of three options.
            -Rock (shown by a closed fist)

            -Paper (shown by an open hand with fingers extended)

            -Scissors (shown by a closed fist with pointer and middle finger extended)

The winner of the round is determined by the players’ choices.

            -Rock defeats scissors

            -Scissors defeats paper

            -Paper defeats rock

If both players select the same item, the round is considered a tie and they play again. The winner of the game is determined by a previously set number of winning rounds

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